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Adheres to multiple substrates: concrete, wood, metal, non-glazed tiles.

Applicator Skill Level

Describes applicator’s level of skill and experience, including knowledge of resinous coatings, KRETUS® knowledge and training, on-site supervision, and understanding of project overview (see skill level comparison in Applicator Skill Level Chart).


Stops bacterial and fungal growth.

Chemical Resistant

Resists chemical spills and cleaners (see complete list in KRETUS® Chemical Resistance Guide).

Cold Cure

Can be applied at or above 40°F.

Damaged Concrete

≥ 1/16″ cracks.


Resists damage and cracking when stretched.

EZ Clean

Requires little effort to maintain (see KRETUS® Maintenance & Cleaning Guide).

Extreme Temp Resistance

Withstands extremely cold and/or hot working temperatures.


Has high elasticity.

Freeze Cure

Can be applied at or above -20°F.

Green Building

Eligible for LEED points, produced in California from partially recycled materials.

Green Concrete

7-28 days old.

Heavy Abuse

High risk of gouges or other damage to flooring caused by dragged, dropped, or falling objects. Examples include but are not limited to >5,000-pound machines/loads; loose nails in full or empty pallets; rocks, salt, and other road debris; studded or chained tires; metal wheels.

Heavy Duty

Meets either heavy abuse, heavy vehicle traffic, heavy traffic flow, or heavy foot traffic.

Heavy Foot Traffic

500+ people/day.

Heavy Traffic Flow

High risk of wear from continuously moving, abrupt stop-and-start, repeated traffic patterns.

Heavy Vehicle Traffic

Heavy-duty vehicles (6 or more tires, GVWR* >26,000 lbs.), 500+ vehicles/day.

High Traffic

Stands up to vehicle traffic and continuous pedestrian traffic.

Hot Tire Resistant

Curbs delamination caused by hot tires.


Fortifies against damage from dropped tools.

Light Abuse

Low risk of gouges or other damage to flooring caused by dragged, dropped, or falling objects. Examples include but are not limited to >5,000-pound machines/loads; loose nails in full or empty pallets; rocks, salt, and other road debris; studded or chained tires; metal wheels.

Light Duty

Meets either light abuse, light vehicle traffic, light traffic flow, or light foot traffic.

Light Foot Traffic

<500 ppl/day.

Light Traffic Flow

Low risk of wear from continuously moving, abrupt stop-and-start, repeated traffic patterns.

Light Vehicle Traffic

Light-duty vehicles (GVWR* <10,000 lbs), <500 vehicles/day.

Low Odor

Has zero to low VOC—no offensive odor during application and cure.

Low Maintenance

Is easy to clean without harmful or abrasive chemicals; can be repaired or re-topcoated with little to no visual change or weakening of the overall system.

Low Shine

Decreases glare and sheen.

Low Traffic

Ideal for common pedestrian traffic patterns.

Magnetic or Magnetically Receptive

Has magnetic properties.

Medium Abuse

Medium risk of gouges or other damage to flooring caused by dragged, dropped, or falling objects. Examples include but are not limited to >5,000-pound machines/loads; loose nails in full or empty pallets; rocks, salt, and other road debris; studded or chained tires; metal wheels.

Medium Duty

Meets either medium abuse, medium vehicle traffic, medium traffic flow, or medium foot traffic.

Medium Foot Traffic

<500 ppl/day.

Medium Traffic Flow

Medium risk of wear from continuously moving, abrupt stop-and-start, repeated traffic patterns.

Medium Vehicle Traffic

Medium-duty vehicles (GVWR* 10,001-26,000 lbs), <500 vehicles/day.

Moisture Vapor Resistant

Reduces moisture vapor emissions.

New Concrete

28 days to ≤ 5 years old.

Old Concrete

≥ 5 years old.

Responsive Design

Allows owners and end users to easily swap out tiles or redesign the floor without damaging the system.

Scratch Resistant

Conceals minor scratches.

Stain Resistant

Withstands exposure to household chemicals and food/drink items (see complete list in KRETUS® Chemical Resistance Guide).

Thermal Shock Resistance

Protects areas against extreme temperatures and sudden, rapid changes in temperature from one extreme to another.

UV Resistant

Protects against deterioration and discoloration from intense lighting and sun exposure.

Water Proofing

Protects surfaces and underlying areas from water intrusion.


Gross Vehicle Weight Rating for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles is defined by Federal Highway Administration (

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